Hack a Facebook Messenger account online
A secure solution for tracking another person's Messenger activity.
To set up tracking, provide a link to the target user's Facebook profile or the phone number linked to it:
The AppMessenger app hacks into the Messenger account database and duplicates its data in a cross-platform web-based user interface - where you can track correspondence, calls and other profile activity in real time.
Full Facebook account message history
Installation of wiretapping of voice and video calls
Tracking and saving Messenger stories
Recording video conferences in Facebook Rooms
Access to login and password for account authorization

was(s) recently
- Vio, my messenger was hacked
- they are sending spam to my friends
How they does it.
do* -
Probably some kind of app 🤔
- there are hacking programs
- Geez 😳
Remote access
Activate AppMessenger tracker online in Dashboard by entering target phone number or @username. The software functions without the need to prepare the target device. Our developers have created a fully automated service for your convenience.
Fast result
A common SS7 cellular exploit allows to connect to a specified number and bypass the authorization process. To do this you need to intercept a Messenger service SMS message. This process usually takes from 2 to 20 minutes, depending on the server load.
Intuitive interface
Experts in cybersecurity and vulnerability scanning have provided the most flexible solution possible. Hacking FB Messenger is equally accessible for beginners and advanced users alike. If you have any questions, support is available 24/7.
100% Privacy
Customer security is our top priority. To ensure data anonymity, our developers have implemented a multi-level encryption system. Thanks to this, client information is fully protected, encrypted and not available for subsequent identification.
Get AppMessenger and hack Facebook profile remotely
Target account data is available for viewing at any time
The AppMessenger app must be purchased, but the possibilities are definitely worth it: tracking correspondence, wiretapping, location tracking, and much more. To find out the password, all you need to do is provide a link to the target user's Facebook profile or phone number.
Chat messages
Hack Facebook Messenger correspondence
The message history contains all chats that the Facebook profile owner has ever participated in (including those created before the Messenger app was available). For each message, it shows the delivery status and the reaction left. The software saves messages even if their sending was canceled or they were deleted from the correspondence of the hacked account.
- I promise, everything will be fine 🥰
- She won't be able to hide it for long.
- It's psychologically difficult
- I'm thinking of tracking her correspondence
- on Facebook
- Well, or so :)))
Voice calls
Track and listen to another person's calls in Messenger

Outgoing (2 min.)
Enable and set up notifications to instantly know about incoming and outgoing calls in the account. By clicking on notifications, you can listen to the conversation live, or enable audio and video recording, which will be saved in the Dashboard when the call ends. As with correspondence, the software tracks information about all calls since the Facebook account was signed up.
Tracking and saving published Stories
The AppMessenger app is a unique tool for working with Stories. All the Stories created have a certain time limit, after which they become inaccessible... to everyone except AppMessenger users: the software saves all the published content.

Track geolocation via Messenger

Access to the profile database in Messenger gives the software the ability to use the permissions it has. This approach makes it possible to determine the geolocation of another person through Facebook Messenger - and the actual geodata will be displayed as quickly and accurately as possible, and the data on movements will be stored in the account memory and can be viewed at any time.
How to hack someone´s correspondense on Facebook Messenger?
The easiest and most secure way to track someone on Facebook Messenger is to set up account tracking through AppMessenger. The app performs a quick profile hack, and makes activity data available for viewing at any time. The technology ensures that the data is securely transmitted to a third-party interface, meaning that the hack and the hacker are undetectable.
A few more important reasons to choose AppMessenger
Control over the database
- The software will allow you to control and manage everything that happens in the account: send, edit and delete messages; restore deleted data; block incoming messages and calls - this feature allows you to delay data delivery to all authorized devices for a few minutes (during this time you can, if you want, delete a message or information about a call).
Photos and videos from chat rooms
- Media files from correspondence are compressed into a single archive that can then be played online or downloaded to the device. The software allows you to view a photo or video in its original form, before it has been processed by the app's tools. In addition, the software uses facial recognition technology to identify who is in the photos and videos.
Track SMS messages on the device
- The functionality of Facebook Messenger allows you to use it as an aggregator of messages on the device - SMS messages are duplicated in the application interface. With AppMessenger, you will be able to track the SMS history of all the devices on which the hacked account has been logged in. The tool is also suitable to hack iMessages for accounts authorized on the iPhone.
Hacking the Facebook password
- The software displays the actual authorization data (email and phone address and password linked to the account) and saves information about all password changes. Hacked login and password can be used to log in to the account: to keep the hack anonymous, we recommend deleting authorization information from the Facebook account session history.
Software architecture is focused on user safety
- The tracking takes place using a virtual device to retrieve the data and a third-party interface to display it. Thus, AppMessenger users do not interact directly with the target account, which deprives the messenger's security system of the ability to track the hack and obtain any information about the hacker.
You can track multiple Facebook accounts at the same time
- Each user can create up to 5 tracking sessions of Facebook accounts. A separate notification system is configured for each tracked account, and several optional data display modes are provided in the Dashboard. If you run multiple hacking sessions at the same time, the cost per hack is significantly reduced.
Join an affiliate program to hack Messenger for free
- Become our partner! Your task will be to attract new users. The app will generate a unique referral link for you, which you will need to distribute to users who may be interested in AppMessenger functionality. You will receive royalties on payments made by users who follow your link. The funds can be spent on software purchases or withdrawn to an external account.
Facebook password picking software
- The cheapest and most well-known approach is to track the Messenger password. However, password pickers are losing effectiveness every day, because if you try to pick a Facebook password, you are likely to be temporarily blocked by IP address for several minutes. And two-factor authentication mechanisms will prevent you from logging into a tracked profile even if you have a username and password.
Feedback from our users
Read our customers´ opinion on the Testimonials page.

لا أعرف شيئًا عن اختراق حسابات الآخرين ، لكن يمكنني التأكيد على أن AppMessenger كان مناسبًا جدًا لاستعادة حساب Messenger الخاص بي دون الاتصال بالدعم. كانت لدي حاجة ملحة للوصول إلى مراسلاتي ، لكنني نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بي ، وكان الاسترداد من خلال نموذج Facebook بطيئًا للغاية في البداية ، ثم توقف على الإطلاق. من خلال هذا التطبيق ، استعدت كلمة المرور الخاصة بي في 20 دقيقة! شكرًا لك!

Ich habe mich in die Facebook-Messenger-Korrespondenz meiner Frau gehackt, um sicherzustellen, dass sie treu ist. Einige mögen das verurteilen, aber ich denke, dass in solchen Angelegenheiten jeder Schritt akzeptabel ist. Diese spezielle App ist ein funktionelles und gut gestaltetes Werkzeug, ich war sogar überrascht, dass die Spyware dieses Niveau erreicht hat. Ein separates Plus für die Browser-Schnittstelle, es ist bequem.

The functionality of location tracking is implemented at the highest level - the application is more like a full-fledged spy software than a Facebook hacker: all the movements of the tracked person are saved, and if necessary, you can ask the application to send notifications when he left or came to a certain place. In short, level!!! I recommend it!

Compré AppMessenger por la función de grabación de llamadas, no podía creer que fuera posible. Resultó que la aplicación transmite una grabación de las llamadas. La transmisión tiene una calidad bastante buena, sin apenas retraso. Me ha gustado que durante la conversación se resalte el avatar del usuario que habla, por lo que es mucho más cómodo seguir la conversación.

Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich sehr erfolgreich war, aber 6 Personen folgten dem Link, erstellten ein Konto und kauften das AppMessenger-Paket. Es war genug, um für den Zugang zur vollen Funktionalität der Software zu bezahlen und sogar ein wenig Geld zu verdienen! Ich habe das Geld über USDT abgehoben, alles geschah schnell und ohne Komplikationen.

I want to leave a review about the AppMessenger affiliate program. A month and a half ago, I decided to take part (especially since the description said that not only could I hack Facebook for free, but I could even earn money). I got my link and started distributing it in groups on social networks. I finally got my deductions last week, everything is working great!

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions that may appear when working with the software.
- Can I use a hacked Messenger password to log in to the same user's Facebook profile?
- Yes, Messenger and Facebook accounts use the same password to sign in. As a reminder, any action you take after logging into the account through the Facebook interface may result in detection of hacking.
- Will I be able to listen to voice messages from hacked Fb correspondence?
- Yes, you can play audio messages directly in the Dashboard, from any device.
- Is it possible to view the target profile's Stories if they have already expired?
- Yes, AppMessenger keeps track of all new Stories of the account, and saves their content - it can be viewed at any time, regardless of publication status.
- Is the app capable of tracking conferences in Facebook Rooms?
- Yes, from AppMessenger's perspective, Facebook Rooms conferences are regular calls, so the technology to track them is no different than call tracking.
- Will I be able to highlight important content from a hacked account in any way?
- Yes, any item in the database - be it a message, media file, contact, or anything else - can be added to Favorites, for quick access in the future.
- How do I hack Facebook Messenger with the SS7 exploit?
- The security system of applications of this level is designed with a high degree of protection of user data in mind. However, FB Messenger can be hacked remotely by intercepting a message with a verification code. After which the victim's account will become available to run on a new device (virtual emulator) located in the Dashboard section.
The software works with all mobile platforms and networks worldwide