Remote Skype Hacking Software
A secure way to monitor the correspondence, calls and other activity of any Skype user.
To activate the hack, specify the username or phone number to which the Skype account is tied.
AppMessenger is a reliable Skype parental control application: you can stay informed about who your child is texting and calling, track his location and find out if he is not where he should be, and much more. Activation of the "Parental Controls for Skype" mode is free and available to any user.
Setting up tracking of new account activity
Quick hack of correspondence and call logs
Listening and recording of personal and group calls
Tracking current Skype phone number
Track account username and password

Remote access
All you need to start a fully autonomous tracker is to specify a phone number in international format or a login. Hacking Skype from AppMessenger does not require downloading spyware or preconfiguring the target device. In addition, the victim will not receive any additional notifications.
Fast result
Using an SS7 exploit to intercept a Skype message containing a verification code is effective within 2 to 20 minutes from launch. Note that this time interval may vary slightly, depending on the current server load.
Intuitive interface
The Skype hack is launched online, directly from the Dashboard of the website. The interface of AppMessenger software has been simplified as much as possible for customer convenience. You don't need any special skills or knowledge to take full advantage of the service.
100% Privacy
AppMessenger developers have fully implemented an end-to-end encryption system to ensure complete anonymity and customer security. All the data specified during registration and received during interaction with the resource is guaranteed to be unidentifiable.
Hacking Skype gives access to the full database of the account
Why set up parental controls via Skype?
Hacking Skype via AppMessenger is a convenient and rational solution for installing parental controls. Skype is a pre-installed application on many smartphones and tablets, which means that the tracking of the hacked Skype account can be installed unnoticed by the child. The functionality of the application is optimal for controlling a child: location tracking, correspondence tracking, wiretapping of calls.
Correspondence of any account
Hack Skype's message history and call history
The correspondence of any Skype account (including text and voice messages and attached files) is stored in a single storage on Microsoft servers. There is also information about the calls in which the owner of the account participated (date and time of the call, its duration and participants). This storage model allows AppMessenger to restore the data in its entirety.
- 18:33 Yes, I did it on the first try.
- 18:33 there is a great app for hacking skype
- called AppMessenger
- 18:37 WOW, great news!
- 18:39 I'll check it out now.
- 18:41 enjoy!
Voice calls
Call wiretapping and call recording

Outgoing (2 min.)
Once the hack is complete, you will be able to track and listen to any call in the Skype account: the audio and video of each active call will be streamed to the Dashboard. The tool is an exclusive AppMessenger feature that is currently unparalleled on the spyware market.
Tracking new activity
The approach that allows you to track someone else's Skype account also relies on interoperability with a single repository: The software monitors activity in real time, and alerts you when there is new activity in the account. When you initially set up the software, you will be able to specify what types of actions you are interested in, and whether you want to be notified of them.

Track a Skype user's location

The geodata of all authorized devices in the account opens on web maps. In addition to the current geo-position, you can view all device movements from the moment the tracking was installed. To optimize navigation in the movement history, the software saves as milestones the points where the device was held longer than 30 minutes.
Who else could benefit from online Skype hacking software?
AppMessenger has an affiliate program where you can hack Skype password for free, and if you are diligent, you can earn good money. The affiliate program offers a 20% royalty on all payments made by a user you refer. Funds can be quickly and safely withdrawn to an external account.
A few more important reasons to choose AppMessenger
Hack the camera of a device via Skype
- Skype differs from other messengers in that it keeps active access to the target smartphone or laptop camera in the background. If the device is on, the software can use this access and connect to its camera at any time. The camera image is displayed in the Dashboard in high resolution, with an average delay of 20 seconds.
Skype Passport: track Skype ID and other account details
- With comprehensive database access, AppMessenger users can identify a Skype ID account by phone number, find out the Skype number associated with it, track international calls made and payments associated with them, and much more. This information is collected in a person's Skype Passport, which can be viewed online or downloaded to the device as a PDF file.
Hack the Skype password online
- To access Skype account credentials, simply open the corresponding section of the Dashboard. From there, you will be able to copy the current password, or reset it and create a new one. We recommend using a VPN or Tor if you intend to use the password to log in to the account through the Skype interface.
Hack Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams
- The software is capable of tracking Microsoft Team Messenger profiles authorized on the same devices as the hacked Skype account. If these applications are not protected by a separate password, the software will copy the history of all chats available to the target subscriber and display them in the corresponding tab of the web interface.
Works on any device
- The AppMessenger app is a universal way to hack Skype by username. All interaction with the data of the target account takes place in a browser - and users have full functionality of the software, no matter what device or operating system they use, the web interface is compatible with any smartphones, laptops or tablets.
Multiple accounts can be hacked
- When registering an account, you will be offered several packages with different number of accounts to be hacked, but you can always change your choice and create new hacking and tracking sessions in the Dashboard. From just one account, you can set up and track 5 Skype users at a time.
Permanent access with one-time payment
- The AppMessenger team offers the most loyal payment model for the product: you only need to pay once when you register, after which you can use the software on a permanent basis. By the way, we do not ask you to pay extra for features added to the application in updates, they become available to all old software users.
Alternative way to restore access to Skype account
- AppMessenger functionality can be a solution for users who need to regain access to a Skype account without a phone number. In addition to solving this problem, they will also find a convenient and functional tool to manage the content of their account: for example, the software allows you to download the full database of the account in one click.
Feedback from our users
Read our customers´ opinion on the Testimonials page.

Чесно кажучи, я сам не користувався Skype тисячу років, і натрапив на AppMessenger досить обхідним шляхом. Мені терміново потрібно було дізнатися пароль до ноутбука моєї сестри, і я шукав способи зламати пароль до одного з її акаунтів, сподіваючись, що пароль збігається.

I will try to summarize my experience. I used it for listening, I set it so that I listen only to the calls of a certain contact. Notifications always come on time. There are no complaints about the sound quality, in the video there were often delays, although I do not know whether this is related to the application. I liked the interface, but I'm not sure I like the format, I probably would have been more comfortable using the installed on the phone application.

AppMessenger hjalp mig, da jeg forsøgte at finde ud af, hvor min kære veninde forsvandt om natten. Jeg var i stand til at spore hendes færden og finde ud af, at hun havde gjort det til en vane at gå til bachata-aftener i hemmelighed for mig for at lære at danse den ordentligt og overraske mig. Åh ja, jeg elsker bachata lidenskabeligt! Nå, men tak, AppMessenger, for den forkælede overraskelse :))))

ジオデータの追跡:悪くない、位置は少し遅れて表示されるが、エラーもあまり感じなかった、10点満点中9点。インターフェース:高速でシンプルなウェブマップだが、Google Mapsの方がいい、10点満点中8点。匿名性: 全てが10点満点です。3ヶ月前に購入しましたが、息子はまだ監視のことを知りません。

This software amazed me! I've long wanted a program through which I could connect to other people's webcams and watch them, and here it is! I typed in here the numbers of the 5 cutest guys from work, bought the maximum package, and have been getting high from watching their everyday life for over a month now. Thank you so much to the developers!

मेरी समीक्षा माता-पिता के नियंत्रण मोड के बारे में होगी (मैं अपने बेटे को गैजेट्स से सीमित करने की कोशिश करता हूं, इसलिए मैंने उसे एक पुराना विंडोज फोन खरीदा जिसमें केवल मैसेंजर से स्काइप था)। एप्लिकेशन ने बहुत अच्छा काम किया, पंजीकरण के लगभग आधे घंटे में मैं प्राधिकरण डेटा को ट्रैक करने में सक्षम था, जो सौभाग्य से लैपटॉप से मेल खाता था।

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions that may appear when working with the software.
- Will I be able to listen to international calls made from the hacked Skype account?
- Yes, AppMessenger supports the ability to listen in on such calls. Sending notifications of such calls must be separately activated in the App Settings.
- Will the authorization into the hacked account create a risk of hack detection?
- Skype's security system is very likely to consider authorization from a new device as suspicious activity. We recommend that you sign in to the account only when absolutely necessary, and be sure to turn on your VPN before logging in.
- Is it possible to set up AppMessenger so that all recordings of conversations are automatically downloaded to my device?
- Yes, you can set these parameters in the Synchronization section. When activating this feature, we recommend that you specify chats that you would like to synchronize. This will help save more storage space.
- Is the device capable of hacking an Apple MacBook camera?
- Most likely, yes. The ability to hack the camera depends on whether the Skype app has the appropriate permission. Typically, such permission is requested by default when you install the application.
- Can I delete the hacked Skype account?
- Yes, in fact, you get full control over the account: you can change the password, change the phone number linked to the account, or delete it.
- Does the app allow to wiretap Skype calls?
- Yes, but it is important to remember that the wiretap functionality is only available to users who have purchased the appropriate package of services.
The software works with all mobile platforms and networks worldwide