Set up Snapchat profile tracking
The AppMessenger tool is the optimal solution for parental control on Snapchat. The app tracks the target user's activity in its entirety. You can create up to 5 Snapchat profile tracking sessions per account.

Use software to hack Snapchat and set up activity tracking:
- Correspondence hacking. The software tracks and saves past profile correspondence, message editing history, and deleted messages. New correspondence is tracked in the background.
- Snap Tracking. All profile posts are instantly duplicated in the Control Panel. You'll get permanent access to the content of all posts, regardless of their availability to Snapchat users.
- Location Tracking. The software streams device geodata onto web maps. Activate zone tracking to know when a tracked person leaves or visits specific locations.
- Viewing history. The tool shows what the hacked user is interested in. Information about whose publications he looks at most often, and other statistical data are collected in reports.